About Me

Alec is a video and podcast producer. He’s worked with Slate, More Perfect Union, and Cited Media. He is also the former head of the YouTube channel Wisecrack, where he explored the intersection of culture, history and philosophy.

He currently lives in Brooklyn.



Simon Kuznets and the Invention of the Economy,” Cited Podcast

The (ir)Rational Voters,” Cited Podcast

Effective Altruism and its Critics,” Hi-Phi Nation, Slate


“Do Robots Deserve Rights?” In a Nutshell
“How Big Food Distorts Science,” More Perfect Union
“Plato’s Best and Worst Ideas,” Ted-Ed
“The Internet Was a Mistake,” Wisecrack
“How Nonsense Conquered the Workplace,” Wisecrack

Other Projects

Wisecrack on Medium (Editor-in-Chief)